Dr. Al Hood is the Director of Missions 
Bro. Al started the position of Director of Missions of Truett Baptist Association in November, 2016. He was interim Director from January to November of 2016. Prior to coming to Truett, he was Director of Missions for Winston Baptist Association in Alabama from 2000 to 2015.
He was called to preach in 1980 and was pastor for 20 years before becoming a Director of Missions. His love for people led him to work with churches to help them follow Christ and become more on mission for Christ. At this time, he is a member of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Baptist Convention.
He and his wife Duronda have two daughters Cristie (Rob) Turner and Beth (Bill) Grove. He will be glad to tell you about his 6 grandchildren: Will, Lauren, Alli, Kenzie, Sarah and Robert.
He has a passion for leading missions teams to South Africa and Armenia. Having been to Africa for 18 times, he has also been to Armenia 3 times.
Mrs. Duronda Hood is the Administrative Assistant
Duronda has been involved in Association mission work for 25 years. She enjoys being able to help members of the churches as they carry on the work of the church. History of the church is very important and she helps clerks learn about the importance of keeping accurate records.
Duronda is also involved with Vacation Bible School and Women’s Missionary Union. She teaches conference in both area to aid in the mission work of the church. At this time, she is a member of the Executive Board of the WMU of North Carolina.
She enjoys being with family and watching the grandchildren grow and be active in different areas of their lives
Office Assistant – Vacant